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CA Help! - just a click away!

On this page we have collected the best available advice pages on a wide range of topics as itemised below - click on the link and a new window will open containing that information. You can also click here to access a series of self-help letters which you can download and use if you have a consumer problem. They are in a text format for easy import into your word processor.

No guarantee as to accuracy or currency is given for any information and you should always contact your own legal adviser or local Trading Standards Service to confirm the most up to date advice. Thanks to Devon CC, Hampshire CC and the Office of Fair Trading, who are the main providers of information for this page.

Safety - Pricing - Fair Trading - Weights and Measures - Motor cars - Miscellaneous


airbag cartridges
asbestos products
babies dummies
barbecue safety
bicycle safety
bunk beds
caravan safety
car boot sales
cigarette and tobacco sales
EMC guidance
food imitations
furniture - 2nd hand
furniture - in let accommodation
hood cords
petrol storage
toy safety
cots and child safety seats


bureaux de change
price marking order 1999
price marking and unit prices
prices-food and drink
prices-motor fuel

Fair Trading

business adverts
business names act
consumer credit
counterfeit goods
shopping from home
one day sales
property misdescription
pyramid schemes
small claims-England
small claims-Scotland
textile products
homeworking schemes
refunds - or not?
unfair contract terms
unsolicited goods
video recordings

Weights and Measures

public weighbridges
weights and measures equipment
uk metrology system overview


financial ombudsman
food standards agency
CE marking
egg sales
genetically modified food
holiday tips
package travel
pet shops

Motor cars

cars - buying used
car mileages
car descriptions
car buying guide
car tyres
cars unroadworthy

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